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24 octobre 2009 6 24 /10 /octobre /2009 00:13

*** Hello Yvonne *** Happy to read you're fine § I'm sure with that kind of opened hearts and spirits we seem to have, by our messages posted here, we should be friend in "real Life" ******************* And as you mention it: YES, WHY SHOULDN'T WE MEET FOR "REAL" (for me beeing soul connected here is also real ***), for example FOR THE NEXT COMING RICHARD SHOW/CONCERT ? Let's think about it seriously...**************************** You seem to practise what you express here Yvonne, that's so great ! So try i.... I LOVE PEOPLE, until they really, really disappoint me..... I like to communicate, help, share, be friendly with who i don't yet know **** *************************** But AREN'T WE KIND OF "EARTH BROTHERS AND SISTERS" ? We're on a same boat named "Earth actual century and Life", going through the same things, feeling very often the same human feelings...********************************* Why wouldn't we be friendly toward each others ? We all share a DIVINE SPIRIT which connect all of us by our subconscious.... But do we just know that ?...**** Time is coming to evoluate, discover more about the REAL RULES OF LIFE, UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE..... We have to grow wiser.....************************** Huge underground "waves" influence us without nobody knowing...... They drive us to our HUMAN DESTINY...************************* EVEN SOME SCIENTISTS AS the french JACQUES TRESMONTANT,admit there were too little or few chances, the "needed elements" gather together at the same time, in the right quantity to allow the BIG BANG.... ************************** They ADMIT THERE MUST BE A KIND OF HIGHER INTELIGENCE having prepared all that wonderfull things, which do exist in our Universe.... SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY WALK QUIETLY TOWARD EACH OTHER....***************************** C.G.JUNG wrote about THE CONNEXION BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS SUBCONSCIOUS AND THE COLLECTIVE ONE *******************"The SYNCHRONICITY THEORIE" SHOWS WE'RE ALL BOUND..... JUNG was a VERY SPIRITUAL SCIENTIST also.... Much more than FREUD....************************************* Anyway, i'm not going to write here too much...... I just do thing TIME IS COMING AND HAS ALREADY COMED...**************************************** LOVE, PEACE, WISEDOM and HARMONY to everybody here and everywhere in/on our world and also Universe.... As i would always feel and wish it........***********************************

By DioSilva on October 7th, 2009

what's going on... let's get it on... empirically sincronicity

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